Considering Liposuction? 3 Things You Should Know

Posted on: 29 November 2017

For those who have fat that they want to get rid of in specific areas, liposuction can be a great option. Liposuction is a surgical procedure where fat is suctioned out of the body in certain areas. It can be done on nearly any part of the body and is used for defining rather than weight loss. Liposuction works best to sculpt parts of the body that have fat deposits that are not responding to diet and exercise. For those who are considering liposuction, here are three things to consider: 


Liposuction is a great way to remove fat from specific areas, but it is not a substitute for weight loss. It's recommended that patients be within a healthy weight range before undergoing this procedure. Body contouring liposuction treatment is recommended for people who are within 15 to 20 percent of their goal weight. Having this procedure done while weighing more may mean not getting the desired results. The goal is to contour and streamline parts of the body, not to reduce a large amount of mass. 

It's Often Used In Conjunction With Other Procedures

Another thing to consider when it comes to liposuction is that it's often used in addition to other procedures. This procedure is a great way to balance the body's proportions. Often it is used in addition to procedures such as breast augmentation or a breast lift, a tummy tuck, or even a breast reduction. Liposuction may also be done after a large weight loss to remove fat in problem areas. Liposuction can enhance other procedures and improve the overall shape of the body. Recovery time for this procedure is around two weeks. However, it may take a little longer if other procedures are also done at the same time. 


The cost of liposuction can vary. There are plenty of factors that affect the total cost including the doctor performing the procedure, the area the procedure is being performed on, and the amount of fat being removed. Liposuction costs on average between $2,000 and $3,500 per area treated with an additional $1,800 to $2,300 for anesthesia and the surgical venue. Liposuction that integrates ultrasound technology is also often more expensive than traditional liposuction. The good news is that there are financing options available for this procedure.

Liposuction is a great way to sculpt the body. However, there are a few things to consider before undergoing the procedure. It's recommended that the patient is near their ideal weight before undergoing the procedure. Liposuction also compliments other procedures such as tummy tucks and breast augmentation. It's also important to note that the costs can be high for this procedure depending on a variety of factors. 
